I had many technicals problems today with Google earth. The software didn't work because of a trouble between compatibility of the new software and my obsolete computer. So finally I downloaded the penultimate version.
I have to go to the hairdresser. I'm happy because I have an appointement with my heardresser tomorrow morning, and it's precisely tomorrow that I think arrive at Bering Strait. Isn't a funny coincidence ?
Who never dream to fly ?
It's marvellous ! I'm a wild goose.
I don't know what is it, but it's beautiful.
One hundred and fifteenth minute. Slabs of ice ?
Hundred-seventeenth minute. I believe to see the sea.
One hundred eighteenth minute. Hoooooo ! The sea !
From here I start probably a long and monotonous trip on the sea.
One hundred and thirty fourth minute. It is about 25 minutes that I fly over an uniform sea. I begins to yawn and fall asleep.
One hundred and forty third minute. Ho ! Finally the Green line !
It was a long trip today.