In trying to write this blog in English I hope finally able to start jabber a few words in this language. I will mobilise various tools for that my text be in accordance with the rules of grammar and spelling. Thanks for your corrections and comments.
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Very nice collection, Momo.
I'll look at them more in detail tomorrow morning. There, I sleep up.
Bravo for screenshots.
Thank you, my dear krn,
Yes, the screenshots was easy, thanks to you, and they are clearer than the photographs.
Good night, Momo.
I am sorry not to be able to stay longer, but I am really out of order.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, my dear teammate, and good night too.
Hello, Momo,
I wanted to ask you if these words were absolutely all collected, or if they were chosen among all those whom you see.
Hello, krn, thank you to your question.
In fact, I choised only those who impacted and amused me. I feel like an astronomer who discover new words for new exoplanets.
Hem, I see... by which exoplanet are we going to begin the visit of your universe ?
DEDEHIDS is an interesting exoplanet, because there are plenty of MIONCS (delicious extraterrestrial fruit). I like very much the MIONCS.
Momo, I hate you ! You left the intergalactic bubble to go to eat mioncs without me !
How were they ?
But, there is another bubble behind the house, in the garden, krn. Have you forgot ? I let this starship to you join me on DEDEHIDS. I'll keep the best MIONCS for you.
Ok, Momo, I forgive you, but I don't like very muche travelling alone.
I'll do it only to enjoy these delicious mioncs.
Can you describe them, I'd never seen any of them.
Very muche ! my keyboard betrays me, help !
Ok, I'll come back to take you. MIONK look like at something between a watermelon, banana and litchis, they grow up on giant trees, near to the ocean of gold.
This story amuses me a lot, in fact, I think that it contains an element of truth.
You are creating a paradise on a new Earth.
Yes, enjoy your MIONC, krn, this is the season. I made a pretty statuette of tara with gold of DEDEHID for you.
According to their names, I subject the idea that the red planets are feminine, the blue planets are male and the green planets are inhabited only by flowers and bees.
Nice way to learn new words...
A bientôt !
Momo, I worry about you. I am going to sleep in the garden near the bubble.
If you come, I shall be sleeping just between the stinging nettles and the pink hawthorn.
Hello, krn, Sorry for the delayed answer, I was very busy on Dedehid, because there were too much Conaffes around me (kind of giant insects), and too much work. Waiting for me near to the nettles.
Hello Calamity, thanks for your kind message. I like very much your writing.
You know what, Momo ?
I thought that you were gone.
Happy to read you.
Don't worry, my dear krn, I'm no far from the exams and I have a lot work, I must write a lot. Thanks to think at me during this hard period.
I shall not take your time, Momo.
I have much work too.
I wish you good courage for all you have to write.
Thank's for your encouragement.
To be able to take your time, it is necessary to begin by being able to catch you.
You are an elusive creature.
Yes,krn, specially if I'm on Dedehids planet. Everyday I find new things and news words. For instance, Yesterday I discover apes Gricabed , they are very small, but enough aggressive. I prefer the apes Gongin, so kind and sweet. They eat a lot Mioncs. By the way, do you know that there are nettles on Dedehids planet too ?
And what of other one than stinging nettles on this planet? Hens ?
Yes, today a water hens, remind me at my homework. I was too near of her nest, and she has peck my feet.
These moorhens are not really wild. Those of the Risle run away as soon as we approach.
Nevertheless, we give them some bread in winter time and they know us.
They know you ? Very clever these moorhens ! And, if I remember right, the Brochets swallow her, isn't it ?
Oh no! they are too clever, they only walk on the big leaves of water lilies when they are young.
Pikes (brochets) catch the last ducklings which are at the end of the line behind their mother.
And you saw that ?
Yes, of course.
I spent many hours in looking at ducks, moorhens, ragondins, pikes, trouts, kingfishers and also a big grey heron near the Risle.
And, what do you think about the babys duck swallowed by the pikes ?
I was horrified, Momo.
Twenty ducklings were born this year. Only six are still alive.
They are all female. Males have all be eaten.
The moorhens had three babies. None of us has been eaten.
Nevertheless, they were smaller than the ducklings.
In the moorhen family, parents are both taking care of the babies.
I don't know why, but this anecdote make me laugh. But, of course, I wouldn't see this show when I going to swimming. The males have all be eaten ? Why ? Not the females ?
When the pike attacks, the ducklings'mother gives it knocks of beak.
It seemed to me that femlles were more attentive. They got closer to their mother when the water moves, male are more adventurers, they are too far to be defended.
I know why you laughed. It is a reaction of defence against the fear, to exorcise it.
You thought that you may be the eaten duckling.
I was horrified because I thought I may be its mother.
I don't know why but I found the scene of the whale very erotic in the Pinocchio movie, of Luigi Comencini.
In compensation, when I seen the snake to swallow the mouse I was really horrified.
Momo, about Pinocchio and the whale, do you mean that this scene suggests more that it shows ?
One of my first erotic fantasy, when I was 4 years, was to go back within the belly of my mother, I liked very much to be in this wet and hot place, as Robinson Crusoe in his cave.
And I think you are not the only one.
So, could it be seen in the sexual act, an attempt to return where we come from ?
According to Georges Batailles, yes. He called this phenomenom "continuité" and "nostalgie de la continuité". Whe we are in the belly of our mother we are in continuity, when we are ouside of the belly of our mother we are in discontinuity.
It seems to me that the continuity is a subjective notion. What is your point of view?
What does you mean ?
My idea is that the individuality does not get lost with the end of life. Thus, the continuity is and lives whatever it occurs.
We dream all of the fusion with the beloved one, now it is only an illusion that the sexuality can give us.
Momo, you must say :
What do you mean ?
What does he (or she) means ?
I agree, but the "continuité" of Bataille is only and solely within the mother's belly, he didn't think beyond our present and currently lifes.
Thanks you, krn, you should to correct me more often. And now I'am so much immerged in the french, yes, I'm far away of the english currently because of the exams. Next year, I would to do almost all my essays in english.
Good idea, but much work.
The hypothesis of the immortality of soul gives another dimension to this discussion. It is the reason for which I asked you for your own point of view.
I think that Georges Bataille considered only the visible life between birth and death.
Yes, you are right. Formerly, I seen a shaman who practiced this kind of trick. I try to stay broad-minded.
You proved that you were broad-minded.
Nobody had said anything to me, I remember. But it was not the subject.
Why were you horrified when you saw the snake swallow the mouse ?
Did you imagine yourself in the place of the mouse ?
Yes, I have to admit that I imagine myself in the place of the mouse, instead of snake. Maybe because the mouse is a mammifer.
Who is the snake ?
what do you mean ?
Ah? I believed that it was explicit. I wondered if somebody could have taken the place of the snake.
When we look at a film, we often take the place of one of the characters, why ? And how do we choose ?
In my opinion because I'm genetically nearest of mouse than the snake.
Our afraid of snake is engraved in our genetic program.
Did you read the marquis de Sade ?
No, my father told me once that it was not a good thing for me. I've just heard about him.
KRN, I fall asleep, good night..
Sweet dreams
Good night, Momo.
To read Sade isn't easy, this is one of the colder reading I did, but I think he had been one of the first persons who have understood something of the unconscious. I would know more about him. Appollinaire wrote something about him "Le divin marquis", I have to read it. I liked very much "Les cent milles verges" of Apollinaire, that's less cold and mecanic than Sade. The terrible in Sade it's the side accountant of his work.
I am not sure to be able to answer you on what you say to me, I admit that it is a domain in which I have no culture.
I can try to inquire, but that will not replace the reading of his work, now considering my increasing difficulties to read, I make a selection according to my centres of interest and I know that you understand what I mean.
Absolutly, krn, I understand you, I've almost the same eye problem, you know that.
I think you need another kind of reading in this moment of your life.
I wonder even if it is the good moment to read.
There are periods when introverted assertion of one's identity seems wholesome.
I believe that it is the case now.
I'm sure you are right, krn, we should always to listen ourself.
Yes, I am absolutely sure of this.
Does your writing work goes toward its end ?
Unfortunately not, krn, I'm very slow and demanding.
In compensation, I find it more and more interesting.
Because I am a good friend of yours, I can only give you this advice :
Write, shapeless, all which comes to your mind on the subject.
You will arrange the shape if you really need it after, but I think that your work will gain in spontaneity what it will have lost in perfection.
Your advise is very good, krn, but I'm très compulsif, je n'arrive pas à passer à une autre phrase tant qu'elle ne sonne pas bien.
Essai final
«… qu’il était agréable d’étudier les langues, même à sa manière folle, sinon imbécilique ! ». Louis Wolfson
« Je sais que je n’écrirai jamais le français comme l’écrivent les écrivains français de naissance, mais je l’écrirai comme je le peux, du mieux que je peux ». Agota Kristof, sur l’Analphabète. Libé.
On me rétorquera sans doute que l’art n’est pas une thérapie, qu’il n’est pas fait pour apaiser ou pour fournir du bien être, mais voilà, cela ne sera peut être pas au goût de tout le monde – ce mot, thérapie, colporte, c’est entendu, des acceptions problématiques sur lesquelles il faudrait revenir plus longuement – mais, voilà, je dois le dire ouvertement : il y a dans ma démarche et dans ma recherche artistique actuelle des retombée et des considérations de nature éminemment thérapeutiques.
J’ai vécu une épreuve complexe, cette épreuve – sans entrer dans les détails – n’est pas anodine, elle m’a coupé du monde durant un temps que je serais tenté de qualifier, non sans une pointe d’humour, de géologique.
Ceci m’a conduit à me questionner d’entrée de jeu sur l’attitude à adopter dans la reprise de mes recherches artistiques eu égard à cette expérience particulière.
J’avais le choix entre deux options : subir le drame ou l’exploiter.
Assez vite s’est imposé à moi l’intérêt de travailler avec ma fragilité et d’en faire, pour ainsi dire, mon alliée (toutefois, en portant un regard en arrière, je me demande s’il aurait pu en être autrement).
C’est ainsi que l’année passée, par exemple, j’en suis venu à écrire un mémoire de fin d’études en anglais, sans savoir l’anglais, en mettant à contribution les moteurs de traduction disponibles en ligne tels que « Google traduction » ou « Babel fish », en jouant, si l’on peut dire, d’une approximation du langage pour introduire des éléments de nouveauté et de surprise, éléments qui ne se trouveraient pas dans une langue que je manierait de manière orthodoxe.
Mais ne nous y trompons pas, ma recherche ne se situe pas tant dans le fait d’apprendre l’anglais, ni dans le langage en tant que phénomène universel, mais plutôt et surtout dans le fait de retrouver le monde des humains.
En effet, lorsque je m’entends dire que mon projet de recherche c’est le langage, je ne peux pas m’empêcher de sursauter, c’est comme si un artiste peignant des éléphants se trouvait soudainement confronté à l’injonction de devoir définir son sujet et que, pris de panique, ne trouvait rien de mieux à dire que son sujet de recherche c’est les éléphants, quand un examen plus attentif révèle que ce peintre est plutôt intéressé par l’éléphanteïté, il en irait à peu près de même pour un artiste qui peint des chevaux, mais dont l’obsession se révèlerait, à plus ample examen, être plutôt la caballeïté .
Pour prendre un bel exemple, Paul Cesanne disait : « En peignant des pommes, je cherche à traduire l’être pommesque de la pomme », et c’est ça qui m’intéresse car, pour peu que l’on soit enclin à vouloir éclater un tant soit peu l’unilatéralité des discours, on peut faire sujet de toute chose, l’essentiel étant alors de s’efforcer de laisser le sujet se déployer et s’élargir à loisir, en laissant le plus d’ouvertures et potentialités poétiques possible.
Quant à moi, je veux m’immerger dans la langue anglaise avec la légitime maladresse et l’intensité ingénue d’un enfant qui découvre et balbutie ses premiers mots, ceci, on l’aura compris, non seulement pour me donner la permission d’acquérir une bonne fois pour toutes quelques notions d’anglais, mais aussi et surtout, à titre d’excitateur poétique et de créativité, c’est à dire comme un moyen de faire tomber des rigidités, réactiver des synapses endormies, entrer dans un nouvel espace mental, accéder à un autre système de compréhension, découvrir le potentiel moléculaire d’une nouvelle musicalité, faire l’expérience d’un nouveau balbutiement, faire l’expérience d’un balbutiement renouvelé, bref, tourner une page et accueillir autre chose.
I'll go back to swim now, I nedd rafraichir my mind, see you later, krn.
Momo, I am subjected when I think of the efforts and the tenacity that is necessary to reach such a french language ability, which is far from being easy and that you write better that french people who surround me, been born in France of french parents.
You couldn't do better to consolidate the admiration which I dedicate you.
My heart beats more hardly when I read your words and I am in love with the way you express yourself.
Good bathing. The lake is your friend too.
Thank you, krn, this is an honour to finish this sunny and friendly day with you. I like refind the world of humans, that's very interesting. I know that will not always easy, but that's anyway very exciting. Thank you, my dear, my sweet friend, you made more sunny this day which it was.
I was a little surprised seeing the quotation of Agota Kristof. If you can think that your experiments were similar, there is however a considerable difference in the tone of the speech.
I know only one of her works and I found the writing cold and divested of feelings, as if the suffering had hardened her, as her characters who finaly have no feeling any more.
You are really different and in spite of this very precise language which you use, I feel an innocence and an outstanding opening, but maybe it comes from my sensibility ?
Your specific sensibility had no doubt a considerable importance in your reading of the world.
I don't know yet if I'll leave the Agota Kristof's quotation.
But I'm enough sure that I'll keep the Luis Wolfson's quotation.
My sensibility has a considerable importance in my feeling of you.
You may be better than Agota Kristof. She reported only facts, coldly and without any feeling.
These feelings that you let so well going through your questions.
Luis Wolfson's quotation ? yes, it is good.
En quelle langue souffrez-vous ? demandait Georges Duhamel.
Celle-là, c'est la vraie, la maternelle.
"Apprendre une autre langue, c'est comme le commencement d'une autre vie."
Michel Bouthot (Chemins parsemés d'immortelles pensées)
L'autre jour je me suis tapé la tête contre quelque chose, et voici ce qui s'est échappé : ostia, porca miseria, bordel de merde !
Ho, very interesting quotation, krn.
Who is Michel Bouthot ?
Michel Bouthot is a Canadian writer, teaching in French, in Spanish and in theater.
You can visit this page:
Chemins parsemés d'immortelles pensées.
You made me laugh, Momo, but I have the weakness to believe that it was anger and not suffering.
I don't understand well the other words, but it seems to me that French is the most unrefined, is it because it is the language of the maturity ?
Il me semble en effet que la gymnastique qui consiste à penser dans une autre langue occupe suffisament l'esprit pour que ses autres préoccupations disparaissent.
Forgive me not to say it in English, I am too tired.
I an going to sleep. This day was very hard for me.
Good night, my delightful friend.
Ho, the insults in spanich can be very hard, and in italian too. I don't know which language is the most filthy and obscene.
Good night, my delightful friend too ;-)
How do you think I am going to sleep if you make me laugh like that ?
I need serenity, Momo.
Good night, you are a heart.
Head ööd.
I left you the 100, I was sure that you would find a trick.
It is so hard to leave you that I think I need you near me.
Please, my sweet friend, come into my dreams.
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Momo, je te conseille de ne pas répondre à ce message dont le contenu n'est pas joli du tout.
Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Depuis quelques temps je ne reçois que des commentaires de la part de robots spammeurs pornographes chinois, et maintenant de pornographes russes ?
Certes, il est vrai qu'il y a inflexion dans ma manière de travailler, je me soucie moins d’effets esthétiques, pour tout dire, j'essaye d'abandonner ce qui est directement beau, ou, en tout cas, je n'en fait pas un but.
Mais est-ce pour cette raison que je reçois ces commentaires orduriers ?
Est-ce que je dois recommencer à faire des dessins naïfs pour être respecté sur la blogosphère ?
ça n'a rien à voir, Momo.
La cible est une population donnée.
Si la cible est "les habitants de Genève" le blog choisi sera un blog parmi les plus lus par les habitants de cette ville.
C'est la rançon du succès.
Le texte russe n'est pas joli, mais il est loin d'être ordurier.
(sinon, il est probable que je n'aurais pas compris)
Il parle de l'anatomie intime féminine.
Ce qui me surprend, c'est qu'il n'y ait pas de lien.
Mais quel succès ? N'étais-ce tes commentaires, je ne vois pas ou est le succès ?
Oui, en effet, il n'y pas de lien.
Il veut nous vendre quoi ce russe ?
Il ne nous vend rien, il propose gratuitement des vidéos de femmes entre elles, avec des animaux.
Le sexe des institutrices, avec leur anatomie intime, etc.
Mais sans lien... troublé par ses propres images, il a peut-être oublié de le mettre.
Sur ce point, je ne lui jette pas la pierre, il à le droit d'avoir sa sexualité.
D'autre part, c'est gentil de vouloir partager ses fantasmes, mais bon, pourquoi avec moi ?
Mon blog, autant que je sache, n'est pas pornographique. Il n'est même pas érotique !!!
Dommage qu'on ne sache pas qui il est. On aurait pu lui donner l'adresse de Patton.
Bien qu'en ce moment, son blog tourne plutôt au chat de blondes illustré.
Oui, j'y avais pensé, il apparaît toutefois que l'imagerie érotique pattonienne n'est qu'une imagerie érotique coquine à tendance vixenienne.
Tandis que ce russe semble porté vers la zoophilie (je me demande à l'instant si le fait d'avoir écrit ce mot ne va pas m'apporter des spams appartenant à ce registre.
Chat de blondes illustrées ? Kesako ?
Tant que Patton ne savait pas faire les liens, il publiait des photos d'un goût douteux mais pas pornographiques.
Maintenant qu'à force de lui seriner le méthode, il y arrive, certains de ses liens sont franchement ignobles.
Ce que j'entends par chat de blondes illustré ?
Une succession de messages rapides qui font une conversation digne des histoires de blondes avec des liens vers des photos.
Je ne sais pas si tu as eu le temps de voir la carte de voeux de Viking avant qu'elle soit censurée.
Patton l'a trouvée indélicate après qu'ils se soient embrouillés, mais, bien qu'elle ait révèlé la nudité de son amie, elle n'était pas obscène.
Viking n'est pas Alban ?
Ha.... censurée par qui ?
L'amie de qui ? De viking ou de Patton ?
Ha la la, ça en fait des questions.
Pour tout t'avouer, ma libido est en chute libre, je me sent de moins en moins concerné par les appétits pulsionnels des êtres humains.
Qu'ils s'entrepénetrent si ça leur chante, moi je bois ma tisane et je vais me coucher.
Demain j'ai une présentation orale, et je commence à me demander si je vais y aller, je suis bien mal préparé.
Bonne tisane et fais de beaux rêves.
Ole ferme l'oeil va venir te bercer.
merci, krn, bonne nuit à toi aussi.
je crois que demain matin je n'irais pas en classe.
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