A few months ago
I would never have made the effort
to decipher what was written
on the t.shirt of this kid.
In trying to write this blog in English I hope finally able to start jabber a few words in this language. I will mobilise various tools for that my text be in accordance with the rules of grammar and spelling. Thanks for your corrections and comments.
Milky Way, snowballs, you like the white color, Momo.
WHA HA ! HA ! You are right, Krn, Milk and snow are white.
I'm so happy to have learn this word, snowballfight, it's so beautiful, it isn't ?
Yes, I find that it is very pleasant to pronounce, except what it represents, which is very cool.
Cool ? What is cool ? The fight ? The snow? The milk ?
It was a joke about the cold of snowballs
Above all if the snowball fall into the t.schirt.
Let's not get naughty here... Hi hi!
We are getting closer and closer to the time when snowball fights are going to be possible again in these here parts... The last few days have been really cool in Alberta.
Hello, Doreus,
The weather become cool slowly by slowly, but I went to bathing nevertheless.
I was alone on the "beach". But I feel good now.
Here in Austin Texas is still in the upper nineties (36°)
Ho, but Texas is probably more southerly, it isn't ?
It is at about the latitude of Agadir, Morocco, but inland, with some influence from the Atlantic Ocean.
Are there harsh winter at Texas ? Are there snow ?
In winter in Austin Texas there can be snow but it doesn't stay. It can be over 20° during the day and freeze at night, but in general it gets a mild winter comparable to what Nice, in Southern France, gets with sometimes higher temps during the day.
"Over 20° during the day and freeze at night", like a desert.
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