
In trying to write this blog in English I hope finally able to start jabber a few words in this language. I will mobilise various tools for that my text be in accordance with the rules of grammar and spelling. Thanks for your corrections and comments.
Friday, August 28, 2009
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Is it noses ? or something else ???? ............ A G B ?
It will come to my mind.
At this very moment, I am not sure.
I am still in the fog.
Patton and krn, yes it's a nose, on a chair :-)
This is my first mnemonic's drawing (one year ago), a very laborious mnemonic trick, I must recognize it.
I did it behind a receipt.
My mother bought a new scanner, and now I want to scan everything.
I defy you to find how does it work. That's very hard, and very absurd. Like "the nose" of Gogol.
I undestood the fist part. It is not so hard, but I miss the end.
I think I will find.
Is the last one a french word ?
Tu brûle, krn, tu brûle, et tu m'impressionne.
Je doute, cependant, que tu y arrive, c'est vraiment trop tordu et laborieux.
I think there is a clue in the "jogging monologue".
But I'm not sure, I should looking for.
God Gracious ! I was fearing ...something else . One G.B. as Vixen used to say .
Patton, please clarify.
I read again your jogging monologue and I found this sentence very quickly.
You told us you have learned it in a movie. That's all.
Ho, yes, I remember : "East of Eden", isn't it ?
I don't know. You didn't say it.
I wonder where is this sentence, and what I said exactly.
Momo : The decency impeach me to clarify this Vixen ' sentence....Krn heard it from a phone conversation with Vixen ( who is a damned " Succube " .... ! )
Having seen " Lune de fiel " of Polanski , I decided to escape from the dramatic final , that could be expected with such a female ...
I've liked this Polansky's film.
So , imagine than I was the american guy ...!
This movie describes perfectly how complicated is the man-woman relationship . mainly , if there is a lot of perversity into it .
I fully agree.
Now , I suggest Vixen to come with me in Morocco trip . I wonder what kind of response she could do .
Maybe, you should to show her "lune de fiel".
55) I have just learned a pretty sentence in a film, here : « Nice to see you ».
If I was Vixen, I would say NO !
Ca me parait TRES risqué !!!!
Thank you, krn.
Why "No" ?
I like the idea : Patton and Vixen together at Casablanca, after seen Polansky's film.
Krn ! you are also a kind of SUCCUBE.... I go to sleep . I have already a foot in the grave , I'll put the other right now !
I would have sold Vixen at the Casablanca market to reimbourse my travel fees ...
Patton, what does it mean SUCCUBE ?
Succubus is a devilish creature which leads the men to debauchery.
Incubus is a devil who distracts the women.
this is sorcellery.
Le Maroc ? Encore une histoire qui sent la gare...
But this a french word :
Petit robert : Succube : "concubine", de sub "sous", et cubare "coucher". Démon femelle. (V. Diablesse). qui vient la nuit s'unir à un homme.
Il y aurait aussi des incubes.
Personnellement, je pense que les succubes peuvent être plus efficaces.
Certains hommes sont toujours prêts à succomber.
Elles sont généralement très belles et tentantes.
C'est moi qui vous fait fuir, Patton et Momo ?
Heu.. je viens à peine de recevoir ta réponse, krn.
Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir compris.
Serais-ce à dire qu'une femme sexuellement appétissante serait potentiellement une succube ?
Succomber = succube ? Même étymologie ?
Détrompe-moi au besoin mais, depuis quelques temps, à entendre certains témoignages de femmes à l'approche de la quarantaine, j'ai l'impression que les rôles liés à la séduction s'inversent.
Autrement dit, les hommes deviendraient des succubes pour les femmes.
A la dernière question, la réponse est oui.
Je préfère ne pas répondre à la première, la réponse ne tenant pas en un seul mot.
L'homme n'est jamais un succube, c'est un incube.
C'est donc ça !!!!
ça ? J'aimerais bien savoir ce que tu as compris.
Au sujet de l'incube. À ce que je crois avoir compris, c'est la version masculine du succube.
En italien, cauchemard se dit "incubo". Il y a t-il un lien ?
En latin, il n'y a pas de mot spécifique pour dire cauchemar.
Le mot est justement incubus, qui signifie "couché sur".
La croyance populaire disait alors que l'oppression ressentie lors de son sommeil au cours de mauvais rêves était due à la présence d'un démon assis sur la poitrine du dormeur.
En anglais; cauchemar se dit Nigntmare, de nignt, nuit, et mare qui désigne une dame blanche dans les langues celtiques.
En Français, cauchemar vient du vieux français cauche, oppression, et de la même dame blanche.
En Scandinavie, Mara est un fantôme féminin qui vient étouffer ceux qui se couchent dehors. Elle tord aussi les branches des arbres.
Chacun constatera que ce sont toujours les femelles qui mettent la pagaille .
Juass, juass.
Hum.... merci, krn, de cette riche explication éthymologique, ça me rappelle une discussion sur le même sujet que nous avions eu dans cet espace il y a quelques mois.
Je crois que Borges en parle aussi dans ces "conférences".
Ben quoi ???!!! On ne dit pas : Merci Patton d'avoir lançé le mot sur ce post ? Nooon mais !... Ma Cousine est une Diafoirus de l'étymologie . Elle se vautre dans les "Dicos" comme une gourgandine dans la luxure .
Effectivement Momo, je crois aussi que Borgès en a parlé.
Patton, tu voudrais un monde sans femmes, c'est ça ?
Un monde sans femmes et sans succubes ?
Il fallait le dire !
Momo, fait revenir le "starship" que j'embarque pour une autre galaxie avec mes copines.
Patton, nous avons été très sensible à l’attention particulière que tu nous as témoigné en lançant le mot "succube", mot dont l'utilité, il faut bien le reconnaître, nous faisait grandement défaut avant que tu n'en use de toute ta bienveillance dans cet espace.
Encore une fois tous nos remerciements, joints à l’expression de nos sympathiques pensées.
Merci Momo, je n'aurais pas pu mieux dire.
Je part avec vous, ou est le starship ? Dans le jardin ?
Wouahaha ! Momo, tu ne perds pas le nord !
Merci ! Chers Spationautes....:-) /// PS : Quelle différence y a t il entre une femme et une Succube ? ... Je n'en vois pas ?
Et tu n'en verras jamais.
La différence est dans le résultat. Bien longtemps après.
Night after night, lost in fantasies,
engrossed in their desires
in the presence of this woman, her lover,
so ephemeral, so unreal, so perfect ...
Owner of his delusions, the owner of that energy
so tight that your body implored his waste ...
The erotic pleasure visit your instincts,
demonic entity that landed in their eyes
I did get lost in it till you drop ...
Gradually the theft of its essence
it made her more beautiful, more desired ...
It made him weaker, shooting ...
The invading of their need, the addicted ...
The unhinged lust drove him crazy ...
The drunk every night ... What upset all day ...
Night after night, gradually,
lost dreams and visions between transparent
made her take it to its destination
the result of an irreverent love ...
On the death of his body, to the perdition of his soul ...
He was born to live loving,
to fight to achieve it ...
She was born to love it to death
Just a chemical effect . No more . I wonder how hormone could affect "supposed" strong brained people ? But that's it !!!!! Shame on us ...
Hola chicos, veo que hay nuevos temas y dibujos por aquí, me ha costado entender porque decidieron escribir en fracés pero gracias al traductor del Google me he enterado algo, tal vez decida crear un blog defendiendo a la mujer (Vixen, Sucube, o como quieran llamarle). Tradicionalmente el imaginario patriarcal ha representado a la mujer ciñéndose a la rígida dicotomía virgen-prostituta; existía un tipo de mujer pasiva, abnegada, sometida al hombre, de rasgos angelicales, y otra más orgánica, activa, fuerte y carnal, a la vez fascinante y dañina para el hombre.La mujer fatal no es sólo un producto de esa época de grandes cambios sociales que fue la Revolución Industrial; para hallar las raíces de este mito hay que ahondar mucho más, siguiendo el rastro dejado por una gran cantidad de representaciones femeninas, a lo largo de toda la Historia del Arte y la Cultura, que nos llevarán hasta el origen mismo de nuestra tradición, hay que buscar allá en la Grecia clásica, fuente de la que bebe todavía hoy el imaginario colectivo de la sociedad patriarcal. Ejem, bueno me inspiré, pero esto solo lo puedo decir en español. Saludos a todos.
Hello, dear Habanera,
Thank you for your interesting intervention about the history of the woman.
I'm a son of the feminism, and it's difficult for me to imagine a world where the women were like that.
However, I remember my childhood, the television showed the girl friend of Tarzan (Jane), and usually, the representation of the women, like the representation of the africans and of the indians was very caricaturals.
I think MTV helped a lot, and also Lara Croft, and also the power girls of Tarantino, etc...
Lilit, I hadn't yet the time to read your poem. Sorry, I'm going to read it soon.
Hola querido Momo, ante todo disculpa que te escriba en mi lengua materna, pero no sabría hablar de este tema en otro idioma, es muy complicado, en inglés no sé cómo decir que del olimpo a la meca del cine, "el mal tiene forma de mujer", desde el principio existe la dualidad que identifica al hombre con el bien y a la mujer con el mal(creo que esto le encantará a Patton), el género femenino, en los albores de la humanidad no desempeña otro papel, sino el de encarnar la fuerza del mal, según testimonian múltiples pasajes literarios, Atenea, Hera, Medea, siempre las mujeres son portadoras de todos los males, como Pandora, Eva, Circe, Medusa, Helena, Clitmenestra, las Amazonas o las sirenas. Y en la época del cine negro con su estética de luces y sombras donde destaca toda una galería de maridos sufridores y damnificados, detectives incorruptos que sucumben ante este amor fatal, gángsters y criminales de todo tipo, misóginos y violentos, masoquistas, que roban, matan y van a la cárcel por una mujer, antihéroes de moral dudosa que se convierten en un juguete en manos de "ella", víctimas todos de esa mujer araña que los atrapa en su tela, los esclaviza y los destruye.El sexo se trivializa y se emplea para saciar las ansias de riqueza y poder que mueven a la "mujer fatal" que no le importa tanto el amor como estar rodeada de lujo y joyas, la fatal goza con el dinero tanto o más que con el sexo, pues la ambición económica es para ella lo que para el hombre es la potencia sexual, piensa en Gilda o en la Satine de Moulin Rouge, quen irremediablemente deben ser castigadas y no tienen reinserción posible, solo la muerte como única solución, es cierto que demuestra ser más sensible de lo habitual, y que termina enamorándose y renunciando por amor a la riqueza a la que aspiraba, pero esto tampoco le da derecho a salvarse, en fin querido, estamos jodidas.¿o no?
hasta donde sé, Lilit es el nombre de un demonio Súcubo...hummmmm...hombres a temblarrrrr...juasss juassss juassss
This blog looks like a piece of Gruyére ?
jouasss jouasss jouasss !
This blog looks like a piece of Gruyére?
Patton, why do you say that? Explain me please, what do you mean?
This post has been removed by the author.
That's why it seems to have holes, like in Ementhal cheese (and not Gruyère, Patton, there is no hole in Gruyère)
Habanerasiempre : " this post has been removed by the author " is....like the holes of the Gruyére ( or Emmenthal ) !!!! :-D ////
I love you all , femmelles sans vergogne .
I am not a piece of gruyere.
Was I not your " petit rat " , Krn ?
Since I lost my mouse ...;
Yes, Patton, there is just one single little problem :
I am not a mouse, I am a cat...
Cat Woman ? Huuuummmm .... Slurrrp
juasss juasss juasssss
I know what you are trying to do, Patton, you are not pure as the driven snow.
You are right to laugh, Habanerasiempre, I shall eat that naughty rat !
I confess it was me who dropped the last two messages, because it was the same than tripled, then, i erased two, sorry, i do not trying to make any cheese with holes
Be quiet, Habanerasiempre.
That story of cheese and holes is not sad at all.
I do not want the cat eats the mouse, either
the mouse is fun, yes, the mouse is funny but bad , the kitten can get sick, i do not want that
Krn, it's good to see you happy again, and your heart is not broken, it's very very good
Cat , Rat , Mice , Cheese , terrific casting ! :-)) ////
terrific casting ! yes, and dangerous, or not?
For sure ! Very dangerous . and I forgot Rabbit ! Habanerasiempre , if you are not afraid of mice , I'll put one in my blog for you .
where is momo? ... I think your PC has problems, right?
oh Patton, a rabbit for me in your blog?
why would you do that? tell me why, please.
Don't worry Habanerasiempre.
Momo will come back soon with us.
Momo is now under my control , since he tried to use his Mac in the Leman Lake .The MAC is NOT " water proof " . Big mistake ! Now , he is obliged to pass through me . The Rat !
I mean The Rat ...it's me , not him .
juasss juassss juassss juassss :-))))
Krn is the Cat ( female ) . MEEEWWW.
krn is the cat? hmmmmmmmmmm, what could be me, a wolf ?
I hope so .... Wolf ..... wooaahhhoou
together we will be a fable, juasss juass juasss ;-)))
Right ! juass juasss juasss !
By Abracadabra we signify
An infinite number of things.
'Tis the answer to What? and How? and Why?
And Whence? and Whither?
-- a word whereby
The Truth (with the comfort it brings)
Is open to all who grope in night,
Crying for Wisdom's holy light.
Whether the word is a verb or a noun
Is knowledge beyond my reach.
I only know that 'tis handed down.
From sage to sage,
From age to age --
An immortal part of speech!
Of an ancient man the tale is told
That he lived to be ten centuries old,
In a cave on a mountain side.
(True, he finally died.)
The fame of his wisdom filled the land,
For his head was bald, and you'll understand
His beard was long and white
And his eyes uncommonly bright.
Philosophers gathered from far and near
To sit at his feat and hear and hear,
Though he never was heard
To utter a word
But "Abracadabra, abracadab,
Abracada, abracad,
Abraca, abrac, abra, ab!"
'Twas all he had,
'Twas all they wanted to hear, and each
Made copious notes
Which they published next --
A trickle of text
In the meadow of commentary.
Mighty big books were these,
In a number, as leaves of trees;
In learning, remarkably -- very!
He's dead,
As I said,
And the books of the sages have perished,
But his wisdom is sacredly cherished.
In Abracadabra it solemnly rings,
Like an ancient bell that forever swings.
O, I love to hear
That word make clear
Humanity's General Sense of Things.
Jamrach Holobom
Blablabla , tell me the story of Blabla ? ( maximum 50 words , please).
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