In trying to write this blog in English I hope finally able to start jabber a few words in this language. I will mobilise various tools for that my text be in accordance with the rules of grammar and spelling. Thanks for your corrections and comments.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Geneva's English 1


krn said...

Pizza kebab too ?

Momo said...

Only kebab.

Pizza it's an international word now.

krn said...

L’inventeur du kébab, Mehmet Aygün, est mort à l’âge de 87 ans le 22 janvier 2009. C'était un immigré turc qui était arrivé en Allemagne avant la 2ème guerre mondiale.
en 1971, Mehmet travaille dans un petit snack de la gare de Berlin, où il sert de la viande grillée. Il a alors l’idée de placer les lamelles de mouton dans un pain pita, le pain rond traditionnel de Méditerranée orientale. Il y ajoute de la salade et des frites.
Il l'appelle döner kebab.Ce sont les militaires alliés qui occupent Berlin qui vont lui faire sa gloire.
En 1972, en France, le kebab s'appellait "grec". Aux USA "shish kebab"
Kebab signifie viande grillée en turc.

Momo said...

Tout se passe finalement peut être de la même façon qu'avec le mot pizza.

C'est peut être mon dictionnaire Harrap's anglais-français qui m'a induit en erreur :
Kebab = Kebab
Brochette = Kebab

Dans Google traduction :
brochette de poulet = Chicken kebab

" In English, kebab with no qualification generally refers more specifically to shish kebab or döner kebab served wrapped in bread with a salad and a dressing".

Sinon il y a aussi ça :

The origin of kebab may lie in the short supply of cooking fuel in the Near East, which made the cooking of large foods difficult, while urban economies made it easy to obtain small cuts of meat at a butcher's shop.[1] The phrase is essentially Persian in origin and Arabic tradition has it that the dish was invented by medieval Iranic soldiers who used their swords to grill meat over open-field fires.[6] However, others have claimed the dish has been native to the Near East and East Mediterranean since ancient times,[1] citing pictures of Byzantine Greeks preparing shish kebabs[citation needed] and claiming such food is mentioned in Ancient Greece as early as 8th century BCE (archaic period) in Homer's Iliad[7] and Odyssey[6] and in classical Greece, amongst others in the works of Aristophanes,[8] Xenophon[9] and Aristotle.[10]
Ibn Battuta records that kebab was served in the royal houses of India since at least the Sultanate period, and even commoners would enjoy it for breakfast with naan.[11]

Anonymous said...

I love the welcome/go away mat...

Momo said...

Nice to read you, Doreus.

I wonder what is the difference between "go away" and "go head". Can you explain me ?

Go head = vas-y ! allez-y! (?)

Go away = ??? (s'en aller? Va-t'en ?)

krn said...

Go ahead = aller en avant
go away = partir

Momo said...

Merci krn.

Ne dit-on pas aussi "go ahead" pour dire "vas-y", "allez-y"?

Quant à "Go away" je me suis laissé entendre dire que ça signifie aussi "allez vous-en !" (injonction).

On peut donc en conclure que ce sont là des expressions assez polyvalentes.

krn said...

Oui, away comporte toujours une notion d'éloignement.

He is away, il est absent, ailleurs.
to throw away, jeter au loin.
go away ! va t-en ! va ailleurs !

To go straight ahead, aller tout droit.
go ahead ! Allez !

Et la formule magique anti-procrastination : a day ahead, un jour à l'avance. :-)

Momo said...

Merci :-)

patton said...
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patton said...

Momo , are you talking about Natasha ??? .....