In trying to write this blog in English I hope finally able to start jabber a few words in this language. I will mobilise various tools for that my text be in accordance with the rules of grammar and spelling. Thanks for your corrections and comments.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

full moon

571) I am almost embarrassed to write it.

572) Yes, this night, I was verbally abused.

573) I was told the things that hurt me a lot, which I reached in my dignity.

574) I reacted, alas, with pride.

575) To my knowledge, these things happen only at the full moon.

576) I am going to bed.

1 comment:

Momo said...

Pleine lune

571) Je suis presque gêné de l’écrire.

572) Oui, cette nuit j’ai été agressé verbalement.

573) On m’a dit des chose qui m’ont beaucoup blessé, qui m’ont atteint dans ma dignité.

574) J’ai réagi, hélas, avec orgueil.

575) Si j’en crois ma propre expérience, ces choses n’arrivent qu’à la pleine lune.

576) Je vais me coucher.