362) Not finding my remote control, I finally decided to open my armchair with a razor blade and, believe it or not, it was there, I finally found.
363) That is not all, there were a lot of other things:
364) A dozen dry grapes.
365) A nut of entire pécan.
366) Half a walnut.
367) A television program of the week from 6 to 13 September 2003, titled: « Séverine Ferrer roule les mécaniques ».
368) A currency of 1 francs.
369) A currency of five centimes.
370) A currency of twenty centimes.
371) Six grape pips.
372) A olive core.
373) A quiès ball of wax, become black.
374) A receipt of a health food store dating back to 1997 indicating a purchase of 5 francs.
375) A piece of packing of dry grapes "Sun Queen" of the Migros dated October 23, 2003.
376) A label folded accordion of a bottle Valser "classic".
377) Twelve pens.
378) Five pencils.
379) A Spoon.
380) A butter knife.
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